MVHR systems are simpler than you may think

Did you know that just under half of all new residential properties in the Netherlands have mechanical ventilation with heat recovery systems?

And did you know that heat recovery systems have been installed as standard in Sweden since the 1980s?

The uptake in these countries has been driven by a combination of legislation aimed at minimising energy consumption, and the continued rising cost of fuel. There are different ways to achieve heat recovery, but the most cost-effective and practical is MVHR.

Such systems efficiently preheat fresh air drawn into the building with the heat from stale polluted air, leaving the building using a simple plate heat exchanger.

More than 90 per cent of waste heat can be recovered this way, and the fresh warm air is then distributed around the living areas of the home.

In the UK we are following a similar pattern to Sweden and the Netherlands.

The Code for Sustainable Homes and the Standard Assessment Procedure for the energy rating of dwellings have been instrumental in changing the way we design domestic buildings and the systems we employ within them.


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