Dynamic Energy Assessors prepare the SAP calculations for property in Epsom

SAP assessment for L1BWe are pleased to announce our appointment as SAP assessors to provide the L1B assessments for the extensions to this house. As this is not a new building it is only the new elemnts of the building that have to conform to current buildings regulations however; the overall energy performance of the building, after the extension has been added, must be better, or as good as, the existing building.

This particular building has included a large amount of glazing in the extension that is inherently not as efficient as walls, so the rest of the elements have to be either upgraded (in the case of the existing building) or enhanced above the minimum level in the case of the new extension

Building Control will normally verify compliance by requesting two SAP assessments 1) The base modelling the building as it existed before any extension 2) The new building including the extension.


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